Shirine and Temple in Nara "Photo Gallery"
Omiwa Shrine
The OMIWA Shrine is located in the city of Sakurai, Nara Prefecture, Japan. The OMIWA shrine is the oldest shrine in Japan. Omononushi-no-kami, who is enshrined at this Mount Miwa the object mountain of worship, is widely known by the divine name Okuninushi-no-mikoto (or so called Daikokusama) as the deity of cultivation, and is fully called Yamato-no-Omononushi-kushi-mika-tama-no-mikoto. According to the classics, he is the guardian deity of the human life, and in the age of the gods, cooperating with Sukunahikona-no-mikoto, cultivated the land and developed every industry such as agriculture, industry and commerce, and contrived to augment every social welfare such as curing disease, charming, brewing, medicine manufacturing, and marriage, etc.

Horyuji Temple
The Horyuji Temple is a Buddhist temple that was once one of the powerful Seven Great Temples, in Ikaruga, Nara Prefecture, Japan. The temple's pagoda is widely acknowledged to be the oldest wooden building existing in the world. Prince Shotoku is from there.

Kashihara Shrine
The Kashihara Shrine is a Shinto shrine located in the city of Kashihara, Nara Prefecture, Japan. The Shrine was built in 2 April 1890 at the site of the Kashihara-gū, where Japan's first Emperor, Emperor Jimmu, is said to have acceded to the throne on 11 February 660 BCE. Most of former emperors visit here to pray. And many people visits here often for praying. Kashihara Shrine is the one of most famous shrine in NARA.

Taimadera Temple
aimadera Temple was built in the Hakuho era. The main image of Buddha at first was Miroku Buddha in Kondo Hall, however, now the center of worship is Taima Mandala in the main hall. The temple consists of 13 temple buildings including Okunoin, Seinanin, Gonenin and Nakanobo. It has inherited many treasures such as images of Buddha, Buddhist paintings and craft products, many of which are national treasures and important cultural properties.